Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Transformation of a Wallpaper Baby


Tuesday night a volunteer (with a pretty voice) from my university's Alumni office called to check up on my productive life. I felt embarrassed by instinct, as one who self-consciously calls herself a bum.

A bum in the fact that I'm 23 years old and have yet to rent a room of my own, drive on the interstate without a fire-breathing driving instructor, or have a desk with my name on it, or at least my own stack of Post-its.

However, this Pirate who Doesn't Do Anything has been busy lately.

I've published three articles on, one on Howcast. Six stories and my name are being printed or typed into six different creative publications, two of which are up to read. I'm excited about my free contributor's copy for Relief which hits the press in Febuary.

Plus! David and I polished off our song, "Surprise Paper Bag", last Sunday and he wants to preform it at Paramount!

I'm not bragging on myself. One fact of proof is that these are not monumental accomplishments and I have a long way to go. Secondly, because I know something about myself that you may not. I am so small.

I brag in God as a little girl who couldn't leave her house or mother a few years ago. As one who entertained thoughts of giving up. As one who probably will take antipsychotics for the rest of my life. As one who knows just how much I need help and strength from the Lord.

I'm a wallpaper baby, not able to join the game of musical chairs for the sticky glue on my back, unless my hand is gripped by an able and loving friend.

Yes, I'm small, but I'm growing! Growing, growing, I'm growing.

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